meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm at Storyhouse, Hunter Street, Chester, CH1 2AR.

Please contact jane[dot]brocklehurst[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions for the group.

You can also join our Chester Writers Facebook for more up-to-date information about the group.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Agenda for December


Date : Thursday December 16th

Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Notices

Warm up session: Plot. Bring along an interesting local story from the newspapers.

3. Readings.

4. Homework.

5. AOB.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Minutes for November Meeting

Date : Thursday November 18th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Notices. Apologies: John.

The following points were discussed and voted upon as follows:
Meeting in December? Yes (16th December, 8pm, Bishop Lloyd's Palace)
Social in December? Yes, 2nd December at 8.00pm at the Brewery Tap, 52-54 Lower Bridge St.
Carry on next year? Yes
Room/location? As this year. This has now been booked at the Bishop Lloyds Palace for the first six months of 2011 (subject to confirmation).
Itinerary okay? Yes
Festival readings? Yes.

2. No warm-up session as there was one last time.

3. Readings.

4. Homework: Write an little known or updated version of the Christmas story from an unusual point of view (louse in the straw, a fallen angel, the InnKeeper's mother-in-law etc.)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Agenda for November Meeting.

Date : Thursday November 18th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Notices

No warm-up session as there was one last time.

3. Readings.

4. Homework.

5. AOB.

Minutes for October Meeting

Date : Thursday October 21st
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Apologies: Rina, Jan, Muriel, Annie, Ian, Michele, John, Jim and Stanley.

Chester Writers event at the Chester Literature Festival. This was discussed and the event at the Methodist Church on Saturday October 23rd at 4.30pm went well with a decent audience and excellent readings! Thanks to all those who came.

3. Readings.

4. Homework. Go to place you have never been before. Sit still in one spot and write about it in minute detail, using all senses. Get as small as you can. Write about soil, insects, the quietest sounds etc.

5. AOB.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Agenda for October Meeting.

Date : Thursday October 21st
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Notices

2. Short discussion
on programme for the Chester Writers events at the Methodist Church on Saturday October 23rd at 4.30pm (this will replace the warm-up session).

3. Readings.

4. Homework.

5. AOB.

Minutes of September Meeting

Date : Thursday September 16th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Notices: Apologies Jan, Jim, Annie, Rina, Ian and Dilys.

Adrian has agree to get the key and maybe start next month's meeting as Clare is due in Denbigh Library that afternoon.

2. 'THE EVENT' discussion: we now have an excellent programme of 10 readings from Irene M, Die B, George H, Anthea P, Jane M, Jan B, Muriel B, Stanley S, Rina T, and Liz J. Thanks to you all. Clare is to assemble it into a programme.

3. Readings.

4. Homework: Think of a well-known myth and transpose it into modern day. Try and write it all in prose in less than 500 words.

5. AOB. Room 2 was double-booked. As a result one of the groups saw to fit to occupy room 1. As a result the meeting late and in room 2. Clare will investigate the reason.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Agenda for September meeting

Date : Thursday September 16th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Notices

2. 'THE EVENT' - brief discussion on our slot in the Chester Literature Festival.

3. Readings.

4. Homework.

5. AOB.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Minutes of August Meeting

Date : Thursday August 19th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Notices:

Apologies from Jan, Mike, Jim, Michele, Annie and Clive.

Change in bank from the Halifax to Barclays.

No takers for running the LitFest event - so Clare is doing it.

The October meeting (the Thursday immediately before the LitFest event) will be partly used to organise the event.

2. Warm-up session: 'small object with an unknown or ambiguous function' was redistributed, described, function described and then a description of someone using it.

Readaround of function and someone using it with person taking note of function of object immediately to their right.

3. Readings.

4. Homework: C
ontinue description of someone using object, describing what happens when the function of the object suddenly changes to the one of the object to your right. Describe the person's reaction.

5. AOB. Next meeting September 16th 7.45pm.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Agenda for August

Date : Thursday August 19th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Notices

2. Warm-up session: bring a small object with an unknown or ambiguous function.

3. Readings.

4. Homework.

5. AOB.

Minutes of July Meeting

Date : Thursday July 15th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

Many thanks to Jan for information and taking meeting.

1. Notices: Apologies from Mike M, Stanley, Anthea and Clare.

LitFest: Chester Writers in Performance Saturdays at the Wesley Sat Oct 23rd at 4:30pm

LitFest includes: Alastair Campbell, Sarah Dunant, Simon Armitage, Alan Garner, Alexi Sayle Sue Bortwhistle, Lindsey Davies, Tim Butcher, Salley Vickers and Justine Picardie

2. Readings.

3. Homework (From Jan): Think of a neighbour you knew as a child. OR someone you disliked in your teens. OR someone you loved in your 20's. ( OR in fact, any character from your past who sticks in your mind...for whatever reason you fancy)

Choose one. Write a bit about them to warm up. Then start ( and finish if you like!) a piece in which you meet this character NOW ( at a party, club, wedding, funeral, reunion) They could be as they are NOW or as they were THEN.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Agenda for July

Date : Thursday July 15th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

Since it was agreed that we will have a warm-up session alternate months there will be no warm-up session in July.

1. Notices

2. Readings.

3. Homework.

4. AOB.

Minutes for the June Meeting.

Date : Thursday June 17th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Warm-up session. Using song as a stimulus for writing.

2. Notices:

(i) Clare apologised for absence in August. Jan kindly agreed to lead meeting and Adrian agree to pick up the keys for that day.

(ii) We are now part of the Cheshire West and Chester Council Arts database.

(iii) It was agreed to grant Kate Riddington permission to publish poems written by members on an anthology arising from the Landscape exhibition. These have subsequently been produced by Kate in a beautiful pdf which Clare has forwarded to as many people as possible. A CD will be forthcoming.

3. Readings.

4. Homework. Sing memory and invention imagine hearing a song in your infant school. Now imagine something happens. Describe what happens next and use as a stimulus for more writing. Try to make the song integral to the piece.

5. Next meeting: Thursday 15th July 7.45pm

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Agenda for June Meeting

Date : Thursday June 17th
Time 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1. Warm-up session.

2. Notices:

(i) Many apologies but I will not be able to get to BLP in July (15th) since I'm giving a reading in St Austell and shall be coming back from Cornwall that day. So please can I have a volunteer to pick up the key and lead the meeting for that day.

(ii) Cheshire West and Chester Council Arts database - sharing information and promote voluntary arts groups . I have signed up for everything. If anyone else wants to receive notices independently the email address of the Art Development Officer is

3. Readings.

4. Homework.

5. AOB.

Minutes for May Meeting

Date: Thursday May 20th
Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1: Warm -up session: No warm up session this month as an experiment.

2. Notices: Since I have booked Bishop Lloyd's Palace only until June we need to decide if we want to continue at Bishop Lloyd's Palace or try out another venue. We also need to discuss the format of the group (e.g. general views on a warm-up session, the read-around and homework).

Results of vote:

1. Venue.: 13 people voted for use to stay at Bishop Lloyd's Palace.
1 person voted to go elsewhere.
So we are staying in Bishop Lloyd's.

2. Warm-up session: 0 people voted to keep it as it is.
0 people wanted just a stimulus topic.
2 people voted to have no warm-up
7 people voted for warm-up sessions in alternate meetings.
So we'll go with this.

3. Time: Everyone preferred to keep the time to 7.45pm.

4. Timing of pieces. I proposed that people should time their work beforehand. Our agreed time limit is 5mins long.

3. Readings.

4: Homework: Choose a colour and try to evoke it without saying what that colour actually is.

5. AOB.

Museum Launch tomorrow night.

Library sessions: last night's (Poetry Shed) was good, next one Lindsey Davis Monday 7th June, 7:30pm. Tickets £3 for library members, £5 for non members, includes refreshments.

Jon Mayhew, Nik Perring and Caroline Smailes Wednesday 9th June, 7pm. Tickets £3 library members, £4 non-members.

My Launch 28th June in the Forum Theatre.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Agenda for May Meeting

Date: Thursday May 20th
Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1: Warm -up session: No warm up session this month as an experiment.

2. Notices: Since I have booked Bishop Lloyd's Palace only until June we need to decide if we want to continue at Bishop Lloyd's Palace or try out another venue. We also need to discuss the format of the group (e.g. general views on a warm-up session, the read-around and homework).

3. Readings.

4: Homework.

5. AOB.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Minutes of April Meeting

Date: Thursday April 15th
Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1: Warm -up session: 'Odd words'.
Words discussed included: volition, turophile, inchoate, malicious, iconoclastic, visceral, orangerie, escapement, illiberal, riparian, omerta, synaesthesia

2. Notices: None

3. Readings.

4: Homework. To write a piece inspired by or incorporating an unusual word.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Agenda for April Meeting

Date: Thursday April 15th
Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1: Warm -up session: (very short this month) 'Odd words'. Please bring a word that you've come across recently.

2. Notices: If you have any notices please let me know.

3. Readings.

4: Homework.

5. AOB.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Minutes of the March meeting

Date: Thursday March 18th
Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

1: Apologies from Ian, Jan, Annie and Jane, and Welcome to new member Frank.

2: Warm -up session: Fighting Talk.

Our discussion on confrontation yielded a list of types:
Man against Man, Man against Self (particularly happiness), Man against Nature, Man against Society, Man against Machine, Man against God, Machine against Universe, God against Everyone, Man against Rubbish (in particular, Bins!).

We then each thought specific examples we had encountered in the last day or so:
manager against worker (bullying), two people arguing about one car-parking space, people with differences of opinion about a news item, man against bureaucracy - several instances involving authorities perverting legislation for own ends, relatives conspiring against own happiness, an item from a soap opera, and news items including murder involving a dog, a child-kidnapping and views on a child-murderer.

We then discussed how to go about writing about conflict and the following strategy suggested (for homework):
(i) Start with conflict.
(ii) Make it escalate to a climax.
(iii) Organise the rest around this ( introduce fighters and ring (i.e. characters and setting), and give the battle shape (action and reaction. minor skirmishes and victories).

3. Notices:
(i) Events at the library including Sci Fi and Fantasy Book Club next meeting 27th March 2-3pm.
(ii) New Play by Paul Kelly "Good Will" 23rd-25th April Forum Studio Theatre. Box Office 01244 341296
(iii) Society of Authors Meeting Saturday 17th April at the Queen's Hotel. It will be on fantasy and horror writing with speakers David Whitley and Ramsey Campbell. Details from Sarah Burton at the Society of Authors sburtonATsocietyofauthorsDOTorg 020 7373 6642
(substitute AT with @ and DOT with .)

4: Funding
£5 a year subscription agreed when needed.

5: Readings.

6: Homework:
Physical and verbal confrontation.
(See warm-up session above).

7. AOB.
The meeting ended rather hurriedly due to chairperson thinking we had gone over time... when we hadn't! We do, in fact, have the room until 9.30pm... My apologies to everyone.

8. Added later.
The deadline for the Museum Pieces is the end of April but if you are happy with what you have and wish to send it in now Kate's email address is kathrynDOTriddingtonATcheshirewestandchesterDOTgovDOTuk
(substitute AT with @ and DOT with .)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Agenda for March Meeting

Date: Thursday March 18th
Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

Item 1: Warm -up session: Fighting Talk. Ideas and experiences of confrontation.

Item 2: Society Funding.

Item 3: Readings. (Homework was 'write about a habitat as introduced by Kate.
Or...Describe your garden or piece of parkland or even a windowbox from the point of view of someone who has been held captive in some way (perhaps by another person or by illness or anything else you can think of).
The idea is to evoke the world anew - to make the familiar strange.') But any new writing at all would be great!

Item 4: Homework: Physical and verbal confrontation.

Item 5: AOB

Monday, February 22, 2010

Minutes of February Meeting

Date: Thursday February 18th
Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

Item 1: Habitats Exhibition.

Kate Riddington, Keeper of Natural History at the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, brought in a few items of taxidermy, geological specimens and pictures of Cheshire landscape as writing stimulus for an exhibition which is taking place at the museum this summer. The exhibition is aiming to 'use the natural science collections to inspire people and reach new audiences'.

The complete list of birds that will be on display is below and Kate says that 'if anyone would like to see any of the specimens, we can arrange that.' You can contact Kate here.

Meres and mosses
Grey Heron, 2004.30578
Moorhen, 1957.006
Water Rail, 1976.10.f
Coot, 1892.2828

Lapwing, 1968.172
Quail, 1976.43.t
Red legged partridge, 1976.037.a
Cased Barn owls

Tufted Duck, 1909.7896
Black-headed gull, handling collection
Black rat
Brown rat

Grey squirrel
Great tit, 1968.105
Feral pigeon, 1968.104
Robin, 1997.08
Starling, 2006.30474
Magpie, 1957.21
Rook, 1963.6
Blackbird, 2006.20470

Coastal and estuary
Curlew, 2004.30703
Peregrine and teal 2004.30593
Oystercatcher, 1970.18
Little stint, 1976.35.b
Wigeon, 1958.01
Shag, 1911.7228

Heath and moorland
Black Grouse, NH gallery
Red Grouse, 1976.58.d
Short-eared Owl, 1939.8178
Ring Ouseul, 1976.54.b
Meadow Pipit, 1970.07 OR Wheatear, 2004.30583

Pheasant?, 1970.1, 2
Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 2004.20692
Green woodpecker, 2006.30476
Jay, in gallery
Sparrowhawk, 1977.24
Little Owl, 2004.30701
Bullfinch, 1976.47.m
Nuthatch, 1976.43.m
Crossbill, 1977.35.d
Red squirrel

Item 2: Election of post of Treasurer.

Annie Holland generously volunteered to replace Irene Matthewson as treasurer - for this many thanks!

Item 3: Website.

Item 4
: Readings.

Item 5: Homework

This month it will be to write about a habitat as introduced by Kate above.
Or...Describe your garden or piece of parkland or even a windowbox from the point of view of someone who has been held captive in some way (perhaps by another person or by illness or anything else you can think of).
The idea is to evoke the world anew - to make the familiar strange.

Item 6: AOB We were pleased to welcome three new members and welcome back an old founder member.

Item 7 : Next meeting
Thursday 18th March. Bishop Lloyd's Palace 7.45pm.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Agenda for February Meeting (February 18th)

Time: 7.45pm
Place: Bishop Lloyd's Palace

Item 1: Habitats Exhibition.

The meeting will start with Kate Riddington, Keeper of Natural History at the Grosvenor Museum, Chester, who has kindly agreed to come in and let us know more about an exhibition which is taking place at the museum this summer:
The habitats exhibition is hopefully going to be part of the MLA (museum, libraries, and archives) NW Renaissance's project to open up natural sciences collections. We are looking for new ways to use natural sciences collections to inspire people and to reach new audiences. The project would be then be used as part of a regional case study.

Kate will bring us samples and pictures as stimulus for poetry about the different habitats across Cheshire.

Item 2: Election of post of Treasurer.

Irene Matthewson, after about ten years exemplary service as treasurer, has tendered her resignation so item 2 is election of a new treasurer.

Item 3: Website.

Item 4
: Readings.

Either your own work or 'The Homework'. (this was to take something from your handbag or pocket or car - or drawer where you keep miscellaneous objects...

(i) Describe it

(ii) Write about memories it evokes - where you got it, when you got it, what does it reminds you of when you see it.)

Item 5: Homework

This month it will be to write about a habitat as introduced by Kate above.
Alternative: Choose a habitat (could be your garden or nearby park or window box) and describe it from the point of view of someone who has never been outside before (bubble child or held captive).

Friday, January 22, 2010

January Meeting: Minutes

January 21st 7.30p, Bishop Lloyd's Palace, Watergate Row Chester.

20 members present (including 4 new members) , several apologies sent in advance.

Signing in list passed around with phone numbers and email addresses.

Item 1: Warming up exercise:
Production of character and scene 'thumbnails'.

Item 2: Voting on 'The Twelve Principles' (new house rules):

(i) use a good, well-lit venue that is not prone to interruption PASSED;

(ii) encourage members to try both poetry and prose PASSED;

(iii) begin promptly at 7.45pm PASSED;

(iv) start with short warming up exercises and then go on with work which has either been written in response to a theme set the month before or some other work which members value airing 50/50 SPLIT I've decided to go for a shorter optional version;

(v) members should concentrate on developing their 'critical faculties' while other members are reading - but criticism should be as positive and constructive as possible PASSED;

(vi) new members do not read out anything the first time they attend - they have to decide if the group is for them (we might be able to help with this!) PASSED;

(vii) readings should be no longer 5-6 mins (it is therefore not really a place for novels but for fine-tuning/getting feedback on specific passages) PASSED;

(viii) readings should be of recently-written pieces - those written in the last month or so PASSED - though we might have special 'oldies' nights!

(ix) we do not do an anthology PASSED;

(x) we may do a spot in the festival if we think we have enough good quality work and are invited, but only those people who have attended at least four sessions in the previous year are allowed to represent the group WE INTEND TO TRY AND KEEP THIS SPOT OPEN

(xi) concentrate on writing for enjoyment, advancement of skill and craftsmanship, and elevation of the art form PASSED;

(xii) edginess and experimentation to be encouraged PASSED;

Item 3: Readaround

(Homework was 'Take a newspaper from the last week of 2009 and pick out an article that immediately catches your eye on the front page. Write about it from the viewpoint of someone involved in the story.'

Item 4: Homework for February.
The homework is as follows: take something from your handbag or pocket or car - or drawer where you keep miscellaneous objects...

(i) Describe it

(ii) Write about memories it evokes - where you got it, when you got it, what does it reminds you of when you see it.

Item 5: Next meeting:
February 18th 7.30pm for 7.45pm